Gridwall Fittings
Gridwall Fittings
There is an array joining clips, wall brackets and more Gridwall fittings available to buy at Shopfittings Manchester. Use these fixtures to take your Gridwall display to the next level. Gridwall panels can be fitted to a wall or used as a freestanding display when teamed with L or T legs. To create long display runs or freestanding formations take a look at our Gridwall joining clips that are designed to connect multiple Gridwall panels together.
Retailers keep a diverse range of products and therefore the demand for more versatile shop fittings has grown. The idea behind Gridwall displays is that they are easy to configure and install within any retail environment. If you have an area that unconventionally shaped it could be difficult to display merchandise effectively. In this case, Gridwall fittings such as legs and bases can maximise space in an organised and eye-catching way.
Since we opened our doors back in 1864 we have been delivering the very best shop fittings to UK based and international clients. Get in touch with us today if you would like to know more about our products.